Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Today we went over to a friend's house for a BBQ. Tyler had so much fun. They had a little kiddie that he got to play in. He loved the slide. Best of all he got to play with his buddy Aubrey.

The 3 babies playing. They are all about 2 weeks apart. Ali is the oldest.

Ali and Mommy

Play time

In this picture they were kinking the hose to shut off the water. When Tyler looked in the hose they let go.

Miss Ali sleeping in Aubrey's bed. She needed help getting to sleep but I am so glad she will sleep anywhere.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Racey Hat

Tyler now calls his easter basket his racey hat.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Scarborough Fair 2011

Today we went to the Scarborough Renaissance Fair with two other families. 6 adults, 3 toddlers and 3 babies, everyone was very well behaved and no melt downs. We all had a great time. Tyler got to see Aubrey, he loves her. The fair was quite the adventure. Most people (not us) were dressed up in their best renaissance outfits and really acting the part. They had lots of fun swings for the kids to ride and Tyler got to ride his first horse.

The cool little dude

The princess

Tyler and Aubrey hugging

Holding Hands

And Bellies

Tyler riding the rides

Daddy and the Princess

7 Months!!

This picture was taken by Val Cannon

My blue eyed princess is 7 months old!!! I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She did alot of changing between 6 and 7 months. I am busy trying to treasure her right now, she is such a doll. She is just the happiest baby on the planet. Here are some things Miss Ali accomplished this month:

  1. You are a CRAWLER!!!!! You can't get around the house yet but you have mastered getting across the room. You are so in love with your new found freedom.
  2. You have mastered sitting and can sit yourself up from a laying down position.
  3. You have mastered pulling the cord out of the security camera in your room. This one is driving Daddy crazy because he has to plug it in again every day:)
  4. Your are doing awesome with eating your purees. Your favorites are butternut squash, mangos, sweet potatoes, and cereal mixed with any fruit.
  5. You have your pincher grasp down. You can get puffs, cheerios, green peas, and green beans in your mouth on your own.
  6. Your LOVE being kissed. Whenever we kiss you you start belly laughing. This is one of my favorite things you do.
  7. You are trying to stand up in the middle of the room. You get on all fours with your legs straight. You are able to get your hands about 3 inches off the ground before falling on your hiney.
  8. You have pulled yourself to a standing position several times.
  9. You are sleeping better at night, from about 7pm-5am and then back down until 7am.
  10. You are wearing mostly sizes 6-12 months and 9 month sleepers.
One day, baby girl, when you have kids you will understand how proud you make your Daddy and Mommy. We seriously could not ask for a better munchkin (except your brother of course!). We love watching your grow and learn new things.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Miss Ali

Ali looked so cute today that I had to get some pictures of her.

This is my favorite picture of her so far. She looks so beautiful

On a side note: Miss Ali is now crawling on her knees. She is getting really good at getting around.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Tonight we had our first tornado scare of the season. I had just gotten finished feeding Ali and putting her to bed when I walked down stairs and heard the weather. They will saying there was tornado spottings within miles of us. I went upstairs, woke Ali back up and made Tyler and Daddy come downstairs. The kids, dogs and I hid in the laundry room while Daddy played lookout. He was really just more interested in watching the storm than being safe. Haha. We ended up getting lucky and nothing touched down close to our house. But it made for a very eventful night.

Here is Ali and I hiding in the laundry room.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bathtime Changed

Miss Ali can now sit in the bathtub!!! She is having a great time discovering all Tyler's super cool bath toys. She loves bath time, which really comes to no surprise because she loves anytime she is naked.

Just for fun I thought I would post a picture of her bathing now and her first bath, just to see how much she has changed. You can really see how much she has grown. Her bath mat is almost too small for her now.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Pretty Princess

I just can't get over how pretty Ali is getting. She was always cute but now she has such a pretty little look to her.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Last Day of Preschool

I can't believe Tyler has already finished his first year of preschool! He absolutely loves going and he loves his teachers so much. I tried to get some pictures of him with his teachers but it was really hard to get him to participate. He got so excited that Ali was sitting on the cloud rug that he wouldn't focus. He was being so sweet though, so it was okay. He was hugging and kissing on her. One of his friends even came over to join in on the action.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More Nakee Time:)

This little girl just loves to be naked. She gets so smiley and happy when those clothes come off. Watch out Daddy!! Of course I just can't get enough of her precious little naked body.

She was sick during this one, you can see it in her eyes, but she still managed to have fun

Tyler demanded that I take his picture too

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I'm Gonna Get It!

Miss Ali was determined to get this little pear.

She is really good at her army crawl. She can get across the room before you know it. She is starting to get up on her knees and crawl. Its just a matter of time before this little lady takes off!!

Balancing on one arm

Monday, May 16, 2011


Ali finally got to experience playing in the playroom. Today Tyler was showing her how to play with the little house. She was actually very interested and stayed there playing for about 20 minutes while I cooked dinner.