This picture was taken by Val CannonMy blue eyed princess is 7 months old!!! I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She did alot of changing between 6 and 7 months. I am busy trying to treasure her right now, she is such a doll. She is just the happiest baby on the planet. Here are some things Miss Ali accomplished this month:
- You are a CRAWLER!!!!! You can't get around the house yet but you have mastered getting across the room. You are so in love with your new found freedom.
- You have mastered sitting and can sit yourself up from a laying down position.
- You have mastered pulling the cord out of the security camera in your room. This one is driving Daddy crazy because he has to plug it in again every day:)
- Your are doing awesome with eating your purees. Your favorites are butternut squash, mangos, sweet potatoes, and cereal mixed with any fruit.
- You have your pincher grasp down. You can get puffs, cheerios, green peas, and green beans in your mouth on your own.
- Your LOVE being kissed. Whenever we kiss you you start belly laughing. This is one of my favorite things you do.
- You are trying to stand up in the middle of the room. You get on all fours with your legs straight. You are able to get your hands about 3 inches off the ground before falling on your hiney.
- You have pulled yourself to a standing position several times.
- You are sleeping better at night, from about 7pm-5am and then back down until 7am.
- You are wearing mostly sizes 6-12 months and 9 month sleepers.
One day, baby girl, when you have kids you will understand how proud you make your Daddy and Mommy. We seriously could not ask for a better munchkin (except your brother of course!). We love watching your grow and learn new things.