Tyler is so excited to go trick or treating, he has been practicing all day. He made it all the one around the block and then was asking to go home. For right now I am thankful we live in a very small neighborhood. Ali did pretty good too, she walked to the first 5-6 houses and then rode in the stroller.
Here are my little cuties, Matman (batman) and my little Witch
I can't believe my sweet little lady has turned one. This year has flown by. It has been filled with so much happiness. Ali is the happiest sweetest baby ever but she also has a diva streak. A year ago I was having a hard time picturing us as a family of 4, I was so unsure of how Tyler would react to being a big brother, our lives were about to change big time. No one knew what to expect. Now a year later, I can't imagine us as only a family of 3 ever again. Tyler has adapted wonderfully to being a big brother. He loves his little sister and always tells her how cute she is. He loves hugging and holding her. Ali couldn't have asked for a better big brother and we couldn't have asked for a more perfect daughter. She is just a delight to be around. Her big blue eyes and huge smile light up any room. I am sad to see this first year pass us by but I can't wait to see what the future brings.
Here are some things that Ali accomplished this month:
I made it a year Breastfeeding!!! I manage to supply all her milk the first year of her life and reached my goal of not giving her a drop of formula.
She says four words- mama, deeda (Daddy), Daa (dog) and nigh nigh (night night)
She understands the word no and night night. When you tell her no she throws herself on the floor in a fit and when you tell her night night she runs for the gate to go to bed.
She still takes 2 naps a day and sleeps 12 hours at night. This girls loves her sleep and I am going to enjoy it for as long as I can.
She has 6 teeth now and looks like she is going to cut another two any day
She waves bye bye and will some times give high fives
Oh baby girl one day you will know how much we love you:) Until then just know you are the most loved baby girl out there. We love you, Mommy and Daddy.
Today is Tyler's real birthday!! I can't believe my baby is 3. He is such a smart, handsome little guy. I can't believe what a little boy he has turned into in this past year. Probably Tyler's biggest accomplishment this past year was becoming completely potty trained!!! He has been day trained since 28 months but in the last two weeks he became night trained too. I am so proud of him. I love watching him being a boy, and he is all boy. He is rough and tough but also the sweetest thing ever. I will forever enjoy my sweet cuddles and fish kisses from him.
This morning I surprised Tyler with a bunch of balloons. After school he managed to untie them from the weight. Producing this.
And this VERY hysterical little boy
I was determined to get those balloons down. He was so devastated. I ended up using a ladder and a rake. Luckily it worked. Mommy saved the day, he's happy again.
Presents from Mommy and Daddy. It was a VERY Thomas the Train birthday