Friday, November 30, 2012

Bath With Tyler

Tonight got Blake got to take his first bath in the big bath tub.  Tyler was so excited to take a bath with him. Hopefully Tyler learns a bit more self control because he was splashing Blake like crazy.  I did learn that Blake now loves baths.  He loved being in the warm water.  He sat in there for about 10 mins.  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Newborn Pics

I attempted to take some newborn pictures of Blake today but it didn't really work out. I got one really cute one and then he started screaming.  At least I got one.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

1 Week check up

Blake had his 1 week check up today. He's growing like a little weed.  No wonder he wants to sleep so much.  He's up to 9 lbs 1 oz (past birth weight!) and 21 inches.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Blake loves just hanging out watching the world.  He isn't awake often during the day but when he is he just chills.  

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas Tree

Tyler has been begging to put up the Christmas tree for like a month now.  I figure we better get this out of the way.  He had a ton of fun and Ali even got in on the action after she put the iPad down.  They did a pretty darn good job of the bottom half of the tree....  Blake had fun watching all the lights. Its so cute to see his eyes develop more and more every day.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Blake's First Bath

Tonight we start the bedtime routine, which also means little dude get his first bath.  He was not a fan at all. 


And after... all squeaky clean

Sleepy Boy!

Blake loves to sleep during the day but not so much at night.  I can't get him to sleep more than 2.5 hours in a row at night.  That's gonna get old really quick. 

He Loves Him!

Tyler is so obsessed with baby Blake.  He loves holding and kissing him.  I am so glad he loves him so much.  Ali is adjusting great too but she's just not quite as impressed.  I'm just glad she's not mad at use for her losing her baby of the house status.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Going Home!

We are going home today! I'm excited, anxious, and nervous.  I'm sure I will adjust with time but life with three kids scares me a bit right now. 

One of the only photos of me and the little guy. I hate always being on the backside of the camera

Baby toes!!! I just love them

Good Morning Little Sunshine

Not liking the carseat at all!

Troy forgot all the inserts at home, so we had to improvise. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 2 with Mr Blake

We are still in the hospital and I decided to stay an extra day. I want the extra cuddle time with my little man.  I know I won't get much at home.  He's doing great. He eats wonderfully and poops like a crazy man.  He got his circumcision today and did really good.