Sunday, November 8, 2009

Finally Done....

I am finally done breast feeding. As of Friday night I am done. I can't believe that I did it for a year. If you would have asked when I was in college if I was ever going to breastfeed, I would have said no way. I thought is was gross and weird. I thought it would be really weird to have a baby staring at you while they were sucking on your boob. Fast forward a few years when I got pregnant and I was willing to give it a shot. I wasn't stuck on forcing it but it was definitely something I was willing to try for the good of my baby. Now looking back I am so proud of myself for making it a year. And 9 of those months I had to pump at work. To me it is one of my greatest of accomplishments. It turned out not to be weird but one of the sweetest things that I could have experienced as a Mom. Looking down at that sweet little face just made my morning, day and night. I know I will miss my special little bonding time with Tyler but I am very happy to finally get my body back after 1 year and 10 months.

Tyler is now completely weened off the bottle and the boob:) I don't think he misses the bottle at all. I know he misses the boob a little, if he sees it he will come after me with a wide open mouth! I know with time he will forget. He is doing great with milk and the sippy cup. He has even learned to drink out of the sippy cups with the straws. Tyler also cut his 11th tooth, one of the bottom molars. He has also learned to say ot ohh when he drops something. Its really cute, I was pushing him through Target the other day and he kept dropping stuff out of the cart and saying ot ohh. Well it was cute but also sort of annoying. Now he says it all the time when he drops or throws something or when he falls. I love being at home with him, so I can teach him all these cool things.


  1. Yeah Colton kinda of waened himself this past weekend. I had stopped pumping at work and he was only nursing at night before he went to bed. Saturday he only nursed for two minutes and then wanted his binky and to go to bed. Last night, all he wanted was his binky and he went right to sleep. It was kinda a love/hate thing. Nursing was getting aggravating, but I do miss our special time together.

  2. Congrats on nursing so long!! That is a great accomplishment! I would have never thought I would have breastfed either. I actually enjoy it alot more than I thought. Me and my daughter have a special bond and I think nursing her has alot to do with it. I need some pointers on weaning, my DD Gracee is 10 months old and my plan is to wean at 1 year but she loves it so much I think I am gonna have a hard time.

  3. I slowing started. Tyler had no problem with formula, so I didn't have to worry about that. At 11 months, I pumped in the morning and lunch time and then nursed in the evening. Then about two weeks later I cut out the noon pumping session. This is when I used my freezer supply or supplemented with formula if needed. About two weeks later I cut out the morning pumping session. And then just last weekend I cut out the evening nursing session. I had zero egorgement, it was great.

    At 12 months I replaced the afternoon bottle with a sippy of milk and then while in Missiouri, I just stopped offering the bottle and offered bfast instead. Then nursing session I just stopped offering. He never really seemed to care. He went right to sleep, like it was any other night. Tyler loved nursing too but he also adapts easily to change. Luckily he didn't give me any problems. Good luck with weening.

    Nursing is so special and its something that only bfing moms understand. Congrats to you both too for making it this far:)
