Friday, December 16, 2011

We Made It!

The kids and I made it to Atlanta safely. Ali was a nightmare the first 45 mins of the flight but we all survived. She got overly tired and couldn't get herself to sleep, so she screamed. So far we are having a great visit. We are staying with the kids Great Grandparents. Tyler is sleeping on an air mattress in the office and he is loving it. Ali is sleeping upstairs with me.

Today we took Tyler to walmart and he got to pick out a toy. This is the very first time we have let him wander the aisles and pick something out. He was so excited. It took about an hour but he got the job done.

Ali wants to play so bad

Ali on the truck

It didn't take her long to try to stand on it.

Great Grandma guarding the stairs from a certain little Miss

Someone found Grandma's "Apple Juice"

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