Monday, May 25, 2009

He's 7 Months Old!!

I can't believe it. Boy does time fly. Last week Tyler turned 7 months old. I had to take him to the doctor last week because of a cold and he weighs 17 lbs 7 oz. He is putting on about a pound a month. In the past month he has really changed. Some of the things that he is doing now are:

1. Crawling- this is a big one and boy is he getting good at it. He can follow me around the house now. Its like a new fun game of hide and seek.
2. He can pull himself to a standing position. He is even starting to cruise but I have only seem him do that once or twice along the couch.
3. He loves to shake his head no.
4. He knows his name. There have been quite a few times that he is playing across the living room and I say his name and he turns his head.
5. He is drinking out of a sippy cup. This is new, he used to just chew on it but now he is actually drinking out of it.
6. He has started to eat some table food. So far he has tried gerber puffs, bread, ice cream, cheese, and sweet potato fries.

To view more pictures of Tyler from his 7th month follow this link, Tyler 7 Month Pictures.

My Little Workout Buddy

I got myself a jogging stroller this weekend and I love it. I figured it was the perfect way to get exercise plus spend time with my Little Man. It seemed perfect because Tyler loves to be outside and he loves stroller rides. Hopefully this will allow me to lose the last 10 lbs of baby weight I have. So now not only is Tyler my little diet plan but he is also my exercise buddy. Here a cute before and after picture of Tyler. It is funny the before he is wide awake and the after he is sound asleep.

The Cutest Butt

I bought this onsie online, so I never got to see the backside until I washed. It is adorable on him.

Tyler's Great Grandparents

Tyler's Great Grandparents came to visit him for about 10 days. They are still in denial that they are GREAT grandparents and they prefer to be called grandparents. But they really are great and I know he will agree one day:) Here are some pictures of him with them.

I have PROOF!!

That Grandma loves dogs!!! Don't be jealous Dad:) Grandma let Bailey sit in the chair with her and I have the photo to prove it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Two Big Boys Playing on the Floor

Tyler's Great Grandparent's are in Texas visiting him from Georgia. Or as they like to be called "Grand Parents". This kid is going to wonder why he has so many more Grand parents then any of his friends:) Grandpa loves playing with Tyler and I happen to catch a really cute video of them playing on the floor. They are playing one of Tyler's favorite games. The screaming game. Its really cute. Be sure to turn your volume up.

Two Teeth

Tyler now has two teeth. If you look closely in the picture you can see them. You might have to double click on the photo to make it bigger. Then you will be able to see the teeth.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We Have a Crawler!!

For some reason he loves Sammy's tennis ball and he is obsessed with chasing it around the living room. Here is video of my little crawler. For all of you that don't believe me. Yes, he is really crawling!!!

He's Growing Up

After walking upstairs and seeing Tyler's cute little face looking over the crib railing, we decided it was time to move the crib to the lowest level. He can now get on his knees in the crib. He has not tried to stand up in his crib yet but I have seen him pull himself to a standing position several other times. I didn't want to take the chance of him falling out of the crib. Here is the cute little face that got to walk into.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Cutest Video EVER!!

This has to be the cutest video I have of Tyler. Tyler loves to watch Sammy and Daddy play. In this video Troy is playing with Sammy in the background and Tyler is laughing his little butt off. He has the silliest laugh I have ever heard. You have to turn your volume up for this one.