Tuesday, August 24, 2010

28 Weeks and 5 Days

This pregnancy has been so much different than my pregnancy with Tyler. This little girl is already giving me a run for my money. About 2 weeks ago I went to the doctor for a normal check up. I have been having lots of braxton hicks, so they did a Febrile Fibronectine test on me. This test is testing for the chemical that helps "glue" your sac to the uterine lining. Well the test came back positive meaning I had a 30-40% chance of going into labor in the next 2 weeks. I was put on strict bedrest. Let me tell you strict bedrest is impossible with a toddler at home. I did stay off my feet as much as possible though.

Last week I had another doctor's appointment and he did an internal on me and the test again. My cervix is still closed up tight which is great. This time the test came back negative. YIPPEEE!! I am off bedrest for now. I still have to take it easy but at least I am not confined to the couch anymore. When the doctor was checking me he could feel her head right there on my cerivx. At least I know the reason for all the pressure down there. It feels like she could fall out at any moment.


  1. Well that would be scary. I am glad everything is better now. I know you are anxious to see your little girl, but not this early!!!
