Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Tyler!!!

Today is Tyler's real birthday!! I can't believe my baby is 3. He is such a smart, handsome little guy. I can't believe what a little boy he has turned into in this past year. Probably Tyler's biggest accomplishment this past year was becoming completely potty trained!!! He has been day trained since 28 months but in the last two weeks he became night trained too. I am so proud of him. I love watching him being a boy, and he is all boy. He is rough and tough but also the sweetest thing ever. I will forever enjoy my sweet cuddles and fish kisses from him.

This morning I surprised Tyler with a bunch of balloons. After school he managed to untie them from the weight. Producing this.

And this VERY hysterical little boy

I was determined to get those balloons down. He was so devastated. I ended up using a ladder and a rake. Luckily it worked. Mommy saved the day, he's happy again.

Presents from Mommy and Daddy. It was a VERY Thomas the Train birthday

His new tracks put together.

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