Tuesday, October 20, 2009

One Year Old!!!

I can't believe my baby boy is one year old today. Man time flies fast. Everyday we fall more and more in love with you. I didn't know it was possible to love someone as much as we love you. In this past month you have really grown up. You are exploring your world more and more. It seems like everyday you learn a new trick. You make your Mommy and Daddy so proud. Some of the things that you learned in this past month are:

1. Walking- You have been doing this for about a month now but lately you have gotten really good at it. You still crawl but you are now able to walk across the room on your own. You are also letting go of stuff and walking to other things.

2. Sign Language- They told me in daycare that you have gotten really good with signing so I decided to work with you more on it. Last Thursday I saw you sign your first sign, More.

3. Talking- You can now say high five. I really think you can say Ma. Sometimes you look at me at start saying MaMaMa. I even think you have said Dad once or twice. You also say Ahh BOO when we say Ahh Choo (fake sneeze).

4. You can give High Five- Daddy loves this trick. He thinks its the coolest thing ever.

5. You had your first taste of milk yesterday. We tried a sippy cup with half formula and half milk and you drank the whole thing very quickly. Hopefully this is a sign that getting rid of the bottle is not going to be a challenge but we shall see.

6. You have learned how to push the buttons on your toys to make them make music. You love to dance to the music. Its adorable to watch your little booty shake.

7. You have also learned to stick out your tongue when we stick ours out at you. Its really funny right now. I know we won't like this in a year or so but for now I will laugh at you when you do it.

8. I almost forgot. Teeth- You now have 10 teeth. The 4 middle top, 4 middle bottom and 2 top molars. You have cut 4 teeth in the past month. I hope you are done for a while. The molars are no fun.

I can't say enough about how proud you make your Mommy and Daddy. We have had a wonderful year with you. It has been so much fun watching you grow and learn and I know that there is only better stuff to come.

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